Etymology Course

Summer 2024 Registration is Now Open Get Started


Etymology Course Description:

Length/Credits: 1 semester – 1 credit
Open to: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: None

Etymology provides instruction in the derivation of English words and word families from their Latin and Greek origins. It also provides the connotative and denotative meaning of words in a variety of contexts. This course introduces students to tools and resources for etymological study and encourages them to be curious about the English language.

Students study the origins and meanings of English words, including roots, suffixes, prefixes and reasons for language change. The analytic study of word history and semantics is reinforced through a written and oral component that involves specific analyses of texts that require etymological sensitivity, for example, Renaissance poetry or works in translation.

The course enables students to increase their vocabularies, and thus, helps prepare students to perform well on the SAT.

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