US History 1-2 Course

Summer 2024 Registration is Now Open Get Started

United States History 1-2

United States History Course Description:

Length/Credits: 2 semesters – 2 credits
Open to: Grades 11, 12
Prerequisite: None

United States History emphasizes national development in the late 19th and the 20th centuries and builds upon concepts developed in previous studies of American history.

Students identify and review significant events, figures and movements in the early development of the nation. The course emphasizes the interaction of historical events and geographic, social and economic influences on national development in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

A chronological approach is used to develop themes from America’s past as they relate to life in Indiana and the United States today. Students trace and analyze chronological periods and examine the relationships of significant themes and concepts in United States history.

Students will sequence historical events, examine cause and effect, identify different perspectives and relate historical situations to current issues. Students will develop inquiry skills by gathering and organizing information from primary source material and a variety of historical and contemporary sources, accounts and documents.

Investigation of themes and issues include an analysis of the importance of cultural pluralism and diversity of opinion in American society. Students exercise their skills as citizens in a democratic society by engaging in problem solving and civic decision-making within the class.

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