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What Are Potential Course Offerings in Virtual High Schools?

a hand using a pen to write on paperAs a student, the courses offered by your high school can change your path to a high school diploma. Online high schools give students options that traditional public schools may not. For example, virtual schools may be able to offer an elective course to an online student more easily because virtual schools do not have to worry about schedules. 

Students at any school may choose to supplement their high school’s offerings with online education alternatives. This page will walk you through what to expect from your course offerings in online high schools. This is not an exhaustive list, but it should give a good snapshot of what is offered in online high school education.

Courses & Offerings to Expect in Virtual High Schools

Typically, high school core, elective, Advanced Placement® and credit recovery courses are offered in virtual high schools. Course offerings are important when considering an online high school. If an online high school does not offer an extensive list of courses that prepares a student for college or a post-graduation career, it likely does not meet the needs of its students and parents. Schools offering college preparatory (AP courses) and technical courses are more likely to lead to student success during the school year.

You should expect a quality online high school to have course offerings that meet your needs. If you need to recover some credits, your virtual school should have the credit recovery programs you need to graduate. If you want to accelerate your learning through AP courses, your virtual school should have numerous advanced courses to choose from.


High School electives are typically courses that fall outside of the main core academic subject areas. Nearly all high school programs have elective courses to choose from. Electives are a great way to learn more about specialized topics while still earning credits toward graduation.

Electives are selected by students from a list of course offerings. An elective is chosen based on the interest and passion of the student so that he/she is able to showcase their talent.

At Achieve Virtual, we have electives in every core area and can work with you to find elective courses that match your interests. Whether you want to learn Etymology or Earth and Space Science, we have you covered.


Foreign languages are almost always offered at online schools as part of a comprehensive course list. For students intending to pursue a college degree, taking foreign languages may lead to advanced placement in college and may fulfill all or part of a college’s World Language requirement with considerable savings in tuition.

At Achieve Virtual, we offer world language courses at three different levels in a variety of different languages. Fulfilling your world language requirement has never been simpler!

Personalized Learning

In virtual schools, you can always expect personalized learning in any of the courses you enroll in. A major advantage of online learning lies in its flexibility and its ability to cater to individual student needs. It offers students the freedom to be able to learn independently, customizing a curriculum and experience to accommodate individual learning styles.

In virtual courses, students have the freedom to personalize how they learn, where they learn, and when they learn. Personalizing learning means that students are never left behind. At Achieve Virtual, we work to make sure that you are learning in a way that is comfortable for you.

Student Teacher Ratio

In virtual schooling, you can expect to have more direct teacher interaction. With one-on-one interaction, students are set up to succeed in any of the courses a student is enrolled in. Maybe a student needs help in math courses – with virtual education, that student can receive one-on-one attention from their teacher to improve their skills.

Students in traditional classrooms may not get the personalized attention they need to have their questions answered. This is not a problem for this online education because online-guided discussions and one-on-one time with their teachers is a hallmark of online courses. This increases the chances of a student performing well due to the time their instructors give them. This also enhances their problem-solving and communication skills.

School Offerings

Virtual high schools like Achieve Virtual Education Academy put students first. All course offerings are designed for student success in mind. Achieve Virtual is regionally accredited and can provide you with the online education you need. The support you receive as a student at Achieve Virtual is unparalleled!

Achieve Virtual Academy allows students to learn at their own pace. This way, students can spend more time in classes they find difficult, and also have the option of accelerating through those that may come more naturally.

Contact us today for a comprehensive rundown of our course offerings. Ask how we can help you earn your diploma on time at 317-661-4089!

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