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10 Ways to Meet Your Physical Education Credits in Virtual School

Students holding sports equipment

Whether it’s math, science or World History & Civilization, students often wonder how school subjects they learn relate to “real life.” There’s no doubt that athletic habits contribute to overall health in “the real world,” but how does physical education fit in an online education? As many online students can attest, it can work quite well. It just takes self-initiative and planning to meet your physical education requirements.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, teens should be exercising at least one hour a week, with most of that physical activity involving aerobic activities.

Through online physical education courses, like those at Achieve Virtual, online students will receive instruction on health-related topics, including dietary guidelines and different types of exercises and physical activity. In addition, students can undertake a variety of physical activities that they can incorporate into their school schedules.

Consider developing a calendar that integrates a combination of these activities to meet your physical education requirements, as well as life goals.

  1. Working out at home. Thanks to the easy accessibility of online exercise instruction, you can work out at home without spending a dime. You can conduct a Pinterest or Google search to find one that fits your interests. A good place to start is searching for free online workouts.
  2. Ice skating. Get that aerobic exercise in while gliding across ice – now there’s a great idea! This is an activity that you can include in your schedule two to three times a month if you’re trying to mix things up a bit. Consider inviting some friends or classmates out to the rink to make it a social activity.
  3. Martial arts. If you don’t mind paying for a martial arts class, this is another opportunity to work out among a group. Martial arts provide a total body workout, according to experts. In addition to giving you an aerobics workout, you’ll have the ability to strengthen your muscles and boost your flexibility and balance.
  4. Rock climbing. Much like ice skating, rock climbing is one of those unique activities that you can incorporate into your schedule once or twice a month. It is also a great option for a group activity that you can invite your classmates to join.
  5. Swimming. Mix up your exercise routine by heading to a neighborhood YMCA to swim two to three times a week. You’ll be surprised at how affordable student rates can be for membership. In many cases, it’s about the equivalent of two to three lattes from your local coffee shop.  Also, it’s a great activity for aerobic exercise.
  6. Hiking/walking briskly. If you have a good pair of walking or hiking shoes, hit the trails in your neighborhood parks. Try those with hilly terrain to ensure you get your heart rate up.
  7. Jogging. Another form of aerobic exercise, jogging is a great fitness activity you can do alone or in a group. Ask your relatives, friends or local online classmates to meet up at certain locations to jog or run. If you know others are meeting you, you’re more likely to stick to a schedule. Check community listings for running clubs and fundraisers that feature 5ks, mini-marathons or triathlons.
  8. Yoga. If you’ve never tried yoga, now may be a good time to add it to your routine. It’s a good way to stretch, strengthen and build stamina and flexibility. Try a class or search for an app or online video that offers yoga instruction.
  9. Team sports. Check your community for homeschool organizations that offer opportunities to join a team. It’s also possible that your online school provides options to start a team to play basketball, volleyball, soccer or other sports if there are other students in your area.
  10. Weight training. This one is a must. Whether you lift dumbbells and kettlebells or use your own weight to provide resistance, you should be including some type of weight training in your routine, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The minimum requirement? You should be doing weight resistance exercises at least three days a week.

One of the benefits of building a schedule for your physical education for online school is the wide variety of options available to you. This list is just a start! Have fun creating your physical activity plan and consider inviting some of your online classmates to join you.

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