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High School Summer Semester Benefits

If you’re like most teenaged students, your idea of summer does not include going to your school’s campus or taking classes. But when you realize the kinds of summer semester benefits to be gained, you might just change your mind. 

Why Sign Up for Online Summer High School?

Student using laptop with books on the desk

There are two broad reasons why you might sign up for summer programs online. The first is to get ahead on academic requirements, and the second is to catch up on academic requirements. Those are two very different reasons for taking summer programs, but both offer you big benefits. And if you sign up for summer classes with Achieve Virtual Education Academy, there are even more benefits to be gained, all which will be outlined below.

Playing Catch Up: Credit Recovery Benefits of Summer School

Everyone has their “off” moments in high school. One course that didn’t work out so well can throw you off-track on meeting the academic requirements you must meet for graduation. If you’re not paying attention, you could find out pretty late in the game that you’re off by a credit or two, which means you might not graduate and get that diploma you’ve been working towards for years. This is when the benefits of summer programs outweigh the pain of actually doing them. After all, you want graduate with the rest of your class, right? Staying on track with academic requirements for graduation is one of the most important high school summer semester benefits.

Getting Ahead: Completing Diploma Requirements Early

Some students want to accelerate their progress through high school, whether to take some time off before entering college or to give themselves the option of starting higher education sooner. Either way, summer programs are a great way to get a couple extra courses under your belt to put yourself that much further ahead in reaching your goal. 

Jumpstarting Your College Education with Summer School

In some cases, you might want to take one or two dual-credit classes that would be accepted for academic credit by a number of institutions of higher education, including Vincennes University here in Indiana. These courses do have prerequisite academic requirements, higher per-course fees, and textbook purchase requirements. Make sure you’re aware of all these parameters and criteria if you’re interested in dual-credit courses.

Online Summer School: Flexibility is a Huge Benefit

Instead of being forced to attend a physical class in a campus building at a prescribed time, as long as you have a good laptop and access to a WiFi connection, you have flexibility with online summer courses. This enhances all the benefits mentioned above because you have the flexibility to engage the learning when and where suits you best. 

If your productive time to study is in the morning, then you can do your online coursework early in the day and have the rest of your day and evening for summertime fun. Or maybe you want to work a summer job and need to be able to do learning in the evening—that works too! You simply can’t beat the flexibility of online education the way we do it at Achieve Virtual. And you still get the individual support from your teacher you need to succeed. 

What Achieve Virtual is Offering for Online Summer School 2021

For our online summer semester 2021, Achieve Virtual is offering 30 different courses complete free of charge. You can find out about those by checking out our 2021 Summer School Session brochure. While those aren’t the only classes available this summer, those are the ones any Indiana student can take completely free of charge. Other courses made available will require a modest fee ranging from $250 for regular classes up to $325 for dual-credit courses (not including required textbook purchases for Indiana students outside the Wayne school district). The summer semester registration process involves a number of steps, all of which is described in detail in our summer school brochure, so be sure to download it and read it carefully. Because our summer semester consists of only one seven-week session lasting from June 7 to July 23, you may only take a maximum of two classes.

Every class offered through Achieve Virtual Education Academy is taught by a real Indiana teacher who is certified and qualified to teach in their subject area. Achieve Virtual is approved and accredited by the Indiana Department of Education and managed through the Metropolitan School District of Wayne County. Our teachers are passionate about what they do, and they go the extra mile to help every student succeed. 

If the high school summer semester benefits described above are beginning to sound like something that interests you, be ready to start the registration process on April 6, 2021 (but not before. Applications received prior to April 6 will be declined). Registration will remain open until we reach our maximum number of learners (something that hasn’t happened during the past two years) and will close on Friday May 7. If you have any questions about how online summer classes with Achieve Virtual work, please feel free to call us directly at 317-988-7144. We’re here to answer your questions!

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